Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Handsome moves in to my apartment

That was it, but the 4 months we spent talking about living together felt so far away. Truthfully it felt like it would never happen. He kept saying it would but I am one of those people that you have to really prove your words to.

My closet is so.. FULL!
Circumstances: So, he's gotta get his stuff out of his house by November 10th. Problem is, he may be sent overseas by his job as a welder to Dubai. He has to do this for approximately 3x a year for about 3 weeks. He received his passport today in the post which means he could be gone any day. Consequently, that means he needs to get moved as soon as humanly possible. We oddly woke up at 630. He thought it was lame but me, oh man, I love it. I love having a regular schedule regarding everything. No joke. I like doing my chores the same day every week. I am the kind of person who can eat the same thing over and over, my life thrives in the continuum. Honestly, I sleep better, I lose weight, I eat better when I do the same things. Beauty in the lame. lol At any rate, we were home and done and organizing (and me doing laundry) AND took boxes down to my storage by 10am!

Anyway, so I spent my last night without him (well, really his things and him calling my place home)... I cleaned ALL NIGHT, watched Glee, did ALL my chores, fixed things I've been meaning to fix, organize all the things in the wrong place, made my house beautiful after Handsome moved all of his things in, made a cocktail, drew a bath, had a sandwich and...
laid in bed slightly buzzed. :)

It was a beautiful night.
I felt so... domestic. And useful. And very womanly. Most people see chores as... just that. Chores. I see all my chores as my opportunity to do something nice for my man. Clean so we can really relax and spend the maximum amount of time together. It is so delicious to do all the things you have to do, so you can truly calm your mind and your heart and enjoy the time you do have together.
It may not be easy without him. And I know I am going to miss him. But I am also going to be able to love the safety within the rhythm of life. Well, my life. Not crazy. I have to admit that I do love the mediocrity sometimes. It is almost more challenging to be happy with the mundane. Just sayin.

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